Project :

"Sleep on bees"


Nikolai Yaravoy

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Beehive by Inventor

It has long been noticed that the bee has a positive effect on people. Established in the apiary atmosphere, this natural oasis of positive energy, for rest and recuperation. But much greater effect gets people using the hive (several fastened hives) in a bed with tie-back. Lying in the spring of roof slate beds of the hive-bees in the extensions, the person receives heat from the bees, which they allocate to heat their children (35 ° C). Man does not freeze well and vygrevaetsya. Heat biologically alive, and environmentally friendly. With this in mind, the ability to place hives in areas where night and day temperature is very different, as well as in the shade of large trees, on riverbanks, in the way of hiking trails, mountains, gardens, spa hotels, holiday homes.
Children of bees, heated bees, bio-energy is active, it helps to balance itself and restore the work of all human organs, due to biophysical connection with nature, which causes an increase in human efficiency, a sense of lightness and freshness.
Smells of pollen, bee venom, propolis, even humming soothe the nervous system, normalize blood pressure, stabilize emotional condition, cause healthy sleep.
During heavy bribe of nectar and its shrinkage to a variety of honey bees is evaporated into the air a lot of phytoncids as mono aromas and complex floral compounds that are saturated with blood fitovitaminamy and stimulate the human heart. Strong humming during the evaporation of moisture from the hundred, accompanied by micro-vibrations, which replenish the human body, making the blood vessels flexible, stimulate the kidneys, purifies the urine-genital tract, relieve back pain, muscle and joint pains. Propolis-Balsam from various trees and grasses. Works as an antiseptic with high anti-microbial action, prolechevaet airways, healthier lungs. Complex, soft, healing powers of bee aimed at samovostanovlennie, self-regulation body, strengthen immunity, and biophysical relationships, and psycho-emotional balance gives a person the ease, vivacity, and freshness and youth.
This is confirmed by a history of longevity.
Ability to mid-spring to mid-fall to vacation, green tourism and recreation in the hive with bees, holds great promise for human health. Use of pollen, royal jelly, honey, and products based on them, combining ecological and aesthetic communion with nature, makes the rest of the apiary most useful and enjoyable for people.
Nikolai Yaravoy

Has long is noticed that the bee has a positive effect on the person. Created in the apiary atmosphere, it is a natural oasis with positive energy, for rest and recovery. However greater effect, a person receives when using special hives. Sleeping on the hives is a film in which the discoverer and inventor of sleep on bees - Nikolai Yaravoy tells firsthand about this technique, trends and history of development of its problems and prospects. Slightly opening curtain on the some secrets of sleep on bees. The film is not just for the Slav space, but also at an international audience, it has English subtitles.The movie for sale exists in the form of a DVD media format. Anyone interested can purchase it at the Yarov Gallery site at .
